
Noble Rumsey 

Noble Rumsey was born into the world on July 7, 1995 in Johannesburg, Gauteng Province (South Africa). Football came very naturally to Noble and he began playing for his local team coached by his uncles friend popularly known as 'Coach' Robin (Young Zanaco), at the tender age of 13. In 2008, at just 14 years of age, Noble moved up the career ladder fast and joined The Kalusha Bwalya Foundation. 

Noble Rumsey made an immediate impact at K-Stars playing in the youth teams, frequently the game's outstanding player. He soon forced his way into the K-Stars A team.

In January 2010, Noble was given his big opportunity in the K-Stars first team against Supersport United at the Gauteng Future Champs Tournament in South Africa. Noble was the third ever youngest player to play for K-Stars.

Noble is currently at school studying his last year (IGCSE). And he will soon be completing school by the end of June later this year.  

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